Tuesday, July 5, 2016

July 5, 2016

''Ottakaa lisää jos se maistuu.'' This is something that Finns always say when we are over for dinner or lunch. It means ''take more if it tastes good.'' The members here feed us so much. SO MUCH. And this past week several of our investigators have made food for us too. I think people always assume the missionaries are starving. It's really funny and I'm definitely not complaining but I've also had to master the art of taking a really small first serving so I can eat like three more. 

Sister Roberts learned another lesson about pride yesterday! Yesterday we deiced to celebrate America in style so we dressed up in red, white, and blue. We went to this pizza place ('Merica) for lunch that I'd wanted to go to since I got to Vaasa so I was excited. When we got there the waitress offered us English menus but I said I was fine even though I know about three food words in Finnish I didn't want to look out of place. I thought I was ordering a meat pizza which I was but....it was such a fail. The pizza I got to celebrate America consisted of four separate parts. It contained mushrooms, tuna fish (Finns like tuna on their pizza), shrimp, and OCTOPUS! So yeah that's what I ended up ordering. Europe! I knew I had to try my best to eat it and it was pretty funny so I had octopus for the first time in my life... on pizza. It was a weird day. Sister Hayter and I ended the day by singing the Start Spangled Banner as loudly as we could when we got home. Our neighbors probably didn't appreciate it but it had to be done. 

We've had a lot of lessons this past week where people have been trying to either prove us wrong or make us back up all of our information from the bible. It's been an interesting week for sure as I've studied the scriptures more than I ever have before. At the same time I've learned that it's okay to not be a perfect teacher. My Heavenly Father knew that I didn't have a perfect knowledge of the scriptures but still trusted me enough to send me to Finland. I know that sometimes just being able to share my testimony is enough. I know this church is true and that when we try our best Heavenly Father makes up the difference. I believe in the power of prayer and I know that He answers my prayers in His time. Jeesuksen Kristuksen nimessa aamen.


  1. Gosh, I sure do love this girl of mine!!!! Love you Sisar Roberts!!!! You're amazing!!!

  2. Haha, sounds like a great pizza! So proud of you and the example you set! At girls camp one of the things we talked about was "you can do hard things". I know missions are hard, but I know they are worth it....you go girl!

  3. So proud of the missionary you are. The Lord knows you and your capabilities. He will magnify you and put words into your mouth when needed.

    That pizza sound like the pizza I had in Japan... I remember the Japanese also loving CORN on pizza as well. I ate plenty of octopus on everything, including pizza. Life of a missionary!

  4. The pizza sounds disgusting...lol, but YOU ARE SO CUTE! Love love love the American pride with the outfits!

  5. The pizza sounds disgusting...lol, but YOU ARE SO CUTE! Love love love the American pride with the outfits!
